Last issue Week 33
Welcome to 'Last Week', your weekly roundup of the latest development news, delivered every Monday!
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- Guide for clean code in Flutter emphasizes naming conventions, formatting, simplicity, and project organization best practices.
- Tips to enhance Flutter app performance include optimizing widget builds, using RepaintBoundary, ListView optimization, image caching, and async usage.
- To adapt a Flutter app for web, functions using dart:io and dart:html libraries need separation. By creating separate files for platform-specific functions and using conditional imports, the app can run seamlessly on both mobile and web platforms.
- Guide to implement real-time network monitoring in Flutter using MethodChannels for Android and iOS.
- :Flutter's chips are compact UI elements for displaying information, input, choices, filters, and actions.
- :JWT handling in Flutter poses challenges with asynchronous HTTP requests, requiring queue-based solutions like QueuedInterceptor.
- Freezed is a code-generation tool for Dart that automates data class creation, ensuring immutability with constructors, toString, value equality, and copyWith methods, reducing manual coding efforts significantly.
- Working with multimodule Flutter apps, managing dependency injection using GetIt and Injectable annotations.
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Stay awesome,
James Cardona
LinkedIn & Github & Medium/ @jamescardona11