Last issue Week 39
Welcome to 'Last Week', your weekly roundup of the latest development news, delivered every Monday!
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- Summary: Recap of FlutterCon USA 2024 highlighting the event's key speeches, announcements, and awards, focusing on Flutter's growth, community collaboration, and upcoming developments.
- Flutter mastery in 6 months: Practical tips on learning resources, project-based learning, seeking help, building real-world apps, and staying motivated.
- Summary: Learn how to implement deep linking in Flutter to redirect users to specific screens within an app and handle different scenarios efficiently for a better user experience.
- Create a 2D game in Flutter using Flame for game development with efficient coding practices and game loop management for smooth gameplay experience.
- Guide on creating attractive custom UIs in Flutter using custom painters, gradient backgrounds, and custom fonts. Explains step-by-step process with code examples and visual demonstrations.
- Customize Flutter themes to improve app design by changing text, colors, and shapes easily.ThemeProvider allows comprehensive theming with less effort for a better user experience.
- Developing a clean architecture in Flutter with the repository pattern involves separating layers, using repositories for data management, and decoupling business logic from external dependencies.
- Customize Flutter apps for different environments using flavors. Define configurations, set up build flavors, and handle platform-specific customizations efficiently.
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Stay awesome,
James Cardona
LinkedIn & Github & Medium & @jamescardona11